[Technical] Staff personal laptops

Wayne Hewett staffwhe at rsc.vic.edu.au
Fri Jan 23 19:04:22 EST 2009


If they have already had a notebook issued, we aren't very sympathetic to a request for a personal laptop being setup and supported for our network. If they are unfortunate enough not to have a laptop issued by the department, and they have their own, we offer as much support as we can.

Wayne Hewett

Back again..........
Rosebud Secondary College

-----Original Message-----
From: tech-bounces at edulists.com.au on behalf of Alan Oh
Sent: Fri 23/01/2009 12:30 PM
To: Technical Discussion in Schools Mailing List
Subject: [Technical] Staff personal laptops
Please excuse me if this email is in the wrong place.


I would like to know how schools cater for staff with personal laptops
who would like to use it in the school. Access to resource,
applications, mail, etc. Especially those laptops with Vista and the
school is all on XP.(still)





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