[Technical] File List rather than icon displaywhenbrowsingdirectories

Con Zymaris conz at cyber.com.au
Fri Jul 29 12:27:57 EST 2005

On Fri, Jul 29, 2005 at 12:23:16PM +1000, Stephen Digby DEET wrote:
> I used to have a navigation guide to the intranet that loaded in a browser on staff login and directed them to the most commonly
> used destinations on the intranet.
> It used to display folders in icon view initially but allowed them to switch to list view when they had "arrived".  
> They could then navigate as they wished with windows explorer.
> Now they only get the icon view (where they can't read most of the file names, and can't change the view as internet explorer
> doesn't have this option.
> CMS can't help me UNLESS I import the whole 100Gb of files and then prevent teachers "pasting" data and force them to "upload" it
> through the CMS ("moodle" interface).  
> Addition downside of having all data (rather than specific current course data) in the CMS is that it is then only accessible
> through the CMS and not able to be easily browsed and searched through the file system.

Have you though about using a WebDAV system?


It will overlay atop your existing 100GB and provide a method of accessing 
and modifying those files via a web-interface or through client-apps.

Con Zymaris, Convenor
Open Source Victoria

Con Zymaris <conz at cyber.com.au> Level 4, 10 Queen St, Melbourne, Australia 
Cybersource: Australia's Leading Linux and Open Source Solutions Company 
Web: http://www.cyber.com.au/  Phone: 03 9621 2377   Fax: 03 9621 2477

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