[Informatics] Informatics sample exam - A20

Mark mark at vceit.com
Sun Jul 3 13:50:31 AEST 2016

I refer to the VCAA sample exam questions

Question A20.

"To which one of the following do the Australian Privacy Principles, as
outlined in the Privacy Act 1988, including the Privacy Amendment
(Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012, *not* apply?"

AFAIK no VCAA exam before has used a negative question, such as, "Which
option is NOT correct?"

Such questions tend to be confusing for students, and I have always avoided

Does anyone know of any VCAA exam writing style guide that disallows or
deprecates the use of negative questions? Is it, perhaps, just a
long-established tradition rather than a rule?

I have very vague memories of hearing rumours of such "no negative
questions" strictures from about 20 years ago but I can't put my finger on
any old or new VCAA publication to verify it.



Mark Kelly

mark at vceit.com
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