[Year 12 IPM] Cambridge Checkpoints VCE ITA

Edwards, Russell T Edwards.Russell.T at edumail.vic.gov.au
Fri Dec 1 07:50:08 EST 2006

Hi all from a brand new teacher being thrown in at the deep end (help!!!).

I've just started researching resources for IT Applications (and IT 1&2 for=
 that matter). I found Mark Kelly's excellent website and QATs, and about th=
e Potts et al textbook. Just wondering though, has anyone seen:

Cambridge Checkpoints 2007 VCE IT Applications


and would you recommend it for teachers? (It's also by Potts.) Or would the=
 Potts/Nelson-Thompson text plus Study Design and assessment guide likely be=
 enough to flesh out a decent set of content and SACs?


Russell Edwards

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