[Technical] DEECT Users: Don't Upgrade to Leopard

Stephen Digby digby.stephen.p at edumail.vic.gov.au
Wed Oct 31 16:22:09 EST 2007

Just arrived.....

Department of Education and Early Childhood Development - Victoria

For all TSSP Service Delivery Managers, Specialist Technicians, School Technicians 

31st October 2007

Circular TS068 - Mac OS X Leopard Knowledge Article for STs

Main Points

.        Apple Computers released their latest operating system Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard on 26th October 2007. As part of the Apple -
DEECD software agreement all iBook / MacBook recipients, Specialist Technicians and Service Delivery Managers will receive a copy of
the OS X 10.5 Leopard upgrade DVD over the coming weeks.

.        Upgrading of current iBook / MacBook's provided under the Notebooks Program from OS X 10.4 Tiger to OS X 10.5 Leopard is
not supported or recommended by The Department at this stage. Issues with eduPaSS and other applications have already been
identified by Specialist Technicians.

.        A draft knowledge article for Specialist Technicians has been produced by the TSSP Team to assist where notebook recipients
have already upgraded to OS X 10.5 Leopard and are now experiencing difficulties with wireless networks, network mounts and network
printers. This article is located at:



Actions Required

.        Advise all iBook / MacBook recipients to remain on the supported OS X 10.4 Tiger platform until upgrade documentation is
issued by the TSSP Team.

.        Utilise the knowledge article to fix Notebooks Program iBooks/MacBooks that have already upgraded to OS X 10.5 Leopard and
are experiencing issues with wireless networks, network mounts and network printers.


Additional Information

.        Should you have any questions or queries please contact the DEECD Service Desk on 1800 641 943 or
<http://servicedesk.education.vic.gov.au/> http://servicedesk.education.vic.gov.au. In both cases ensure your query is forwarded to
your Regional Service Delivery Manager.




Robert Hill


Service Delivery Section

Information Technology Division


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