[Year 12 IT Apps] Unit 4 Outcome 1 Task 3

Lesley Humphries humples at santamaria.vic.edu.au
Mon Jun 4 12:29:26 EST 2007

While my girls are quietly working away on their Outcome 2 task, I've been trying to plan next semester. Has anyone thought about what software they will use for Task 3 - 

"...software tools to create an effective visual representation of all the thinking strategies used to analyse the information problem, to design, develop and test the solution, and to design, develop and test the user documentation. Comprehensive evaluation of the effectiveness of these strategies is based on sound, appropriate criteria and is demonstrated in comprehensive annotations or modifications to the visual representation."

All I can think of is Inspiration - would that be suitable? Other ideas?

Thanks, Lesley
Ms Lesley Humphries
Learning Technologies Co-ordinator
Santa Maria College
50 Separation Street
Northcote 3070
Ph: 9489 7644
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