[Year 12 IPM] feeling my age

Roland Gesthuizen rgesthuizen at gmail.com
Fri Nov 24 16:22:27 EST 2006

In a former life as a research scientist who made smelly molecules, I had
some experience of journaling field notes and findings to record
intellectual property (something they never really taught us at Uni). We
regularly collaborated with colleagues overseas with conference calls, fax
and telex ..  built customized literature searches and spent perhaps too
much time in the library trying to find details in obscure journals, lost
lab notebooks, cryptic chemical index codes to abstracts (what was the name
of that huge leather bound monster that took up two walls), modeled goofy
things for super computers, labored with Apple ][e computers on automatic
HPLC analyzers and card files. We only dreamed of the things we now take for

I miss the slower pace when we had time to think things through in detail,
time to drink tea from cups (not mugs .. there was allways time for a second
cuppa from the brew).

Whilst groups like EdNA. the Marine Education Society of Australia and many
schools have found a use for Moodle, I will agree with Mark that some
businesses might struggle to deploy a content management system. Education
inst their core business and probably emulating business isn't ours.

Those that do use tools like us probably dont use the language of wikies,
blogs or web2. I do know of an ISP that uses a 'wiki' for their help desk,
adding findings directly into the knowledge base, a major public utility
that uses Lotus Notes as an interactive document 'management system' and a
major search engine built on a huge php based server farm with Linux. The
home pages of many politicians detail their daily movements and thoughts,
something akin to blogging.

Each to his own I guess. It all seems real enough to me.

Regards Roland

PS: Don't forget to vote this Saturday folks. ;-)

On 23/11/06, Mark Scott <msc at staff.luther.vic.edu.au> wrote:
> Is there anyone else out there thinking...
> "What the hell are they talking about?"
> As if businesses setup wikies or blogs or use moodle or PHP(that's a drug,
> right?)...
> Folks, for goodness sake, get REAL.
> Mark Scott
> on behalf of the great unwashed
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Roland Gesthuizen - ICT Coordinator - Westall Secondary College

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change
the world; indeed it is the only thing that ever has." --Margaret Mead
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