[Year 12 IPM] Assessment handbook 2007 - what the????

margaret.lawson at konstantkaos.net margaret.lawson at konstantkaos.net
Wed Nov 22 18:12:15 EST 2006


I uploaded my conference presentation on this very topic to the vitta site
on Monday...

My understanding is that you need to present a case study to the students
which allows them to:
a) create a prototpe web site for the purpose of bringing a virtual team
together (think remote sales team, EPA testers or a national non-profit
b) students understanding of knowledge practices and collaborative problem
solving will be demonstrated through their understanding of the role of
the website in providing a portal/extranet etc to do this and the way in
which they set up their prototype site. An example of this type of web
site may be found in your own school (or at a stretch the VITTA web site
is an excellent example of this)

Virtual team refers to a group of people working on a project that are not
geographical local to each other - for the purpose of the SAC they may be
located around Australia or the world. The web site would have to provide
opportunties to share knowledge (FAQ, Guidelines etc), collaborate on
projects (discussion forums, realtime chat rooms etc.) AND there may be a
space to bring the team together for meetings either asyncronous or

Knowledge Sharing -  you might do an activity that allows students to
understand what knowledge sharing is (see Mark Kelly's ITAU3O2 sample
timeline on the vitta site), but for the SAC the task is individual. Get
the kids to take a look at how the school shares their documents or stores
their organisational knowledge - is it organised? Take a look at the Xerox
Document Management solution or 'Hive' that Martin (Mr Moodle) mentioned
this morning at the conference as possible document management or
repository systems that could be used as part of a "knowledge management"

A prototype web site is an example of what a web site could be without the
backend work being done. So the kids will demonstrate the normal range of
web development skills (templates, CSS, links, tags, tables etc
http://www.vcaa.vic.edu.au/vce/studies/infotech/it-apps-software-sr.pdf )
that they would in the past, but they need to demonstrate how their web
site COULD cater for virtual teams. They might do a "mock-up" of a
discussion space with appropriate test data, or screen dump images of a
potential "knowledge base" or "document management" page. The kids won't
have time to create a fully blown web site to cater for virtual teams etc.
but this exercise gets them to critically think about the environment that
would facilitate collaboration amoungst virtual teams

Go to this link: http://office.microsoft.com/en-au/groove/default.aspx and
click on the "demo" for Groove. It is a cute sales pitch about the
product, but it shows you what a virtual team is and how the softwre might
facilitate collaborative problem solving.

Anyway, this is my humble interpretation of what is in the assessment
handbook.....I am working on a practice sac and when finished (after
report writing) I will share.


> Re:  2007 IT Assessment Handbook
> I have started to work through the minefield of the descriptors for ITA.
> What the...??????  Can anyone explain what Outcome 2 Task 1 is all about?
>   To quote:   comprehensive analysis of the information problem that
> demonstrates thorough and insightful knowledge about the characteristics
> of collaborative problem-solving and knowledge sharing practices of
> virtual teams.
> What does 'virtual teams' refer to?
> Is it meant that 'knowledge sharing'  requires a separate server set up so
> that students can load their web site and have it available for
> collaborative team interaction?  We may not be able to cater for this at
> our school.
> I also cannot make sense of the Task 2 descriptor as well.  What the...???
>   As Pauline Hanson would say.   'Please explain'.
> Any input would be welcomed.
> Regards
> Michael Martin
> Copperfield College.
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