[Design and Technology] DESTECH A Light, Smart eBike for City Dwellers [feedly]

DAVID FLETCHER dgfletch at bigpond.net.au
Wed Oct 1 12:50:25 EST 2014

Subject: [esnet] A Light, Smart eBike for City Dwellers [feedly]


Ever wanted your bike to lock automatically when you're more than 10ft away?

Have you ever lamented the fact that you can't park your bike in your living
room? Me too...


Introducing the Gi Bike!


Great example of innovation and converging technologies.

Their first batch was funded through Kick-starter. 


Ticks lots of boxes to use as a case study.






Steve Vassallo




A Light, Smart eBike for City Dwellers
// Design Milk <http://design-milk.com/light-smart-ebike-city-dwellers/> 

 <http://design-milk.com/light-smart-ebike-city-dwellers/gi-bike-5/> A
Light, Smart eBike for City Dwellers
Apple Watch? What Apple Watch? We're too distracted by the Gi Bike
<http://www.gibike.com/> , a smart bike that's foldable and perfect for city
dwellers. Its most intriguing features are its light frame and easy
foldability, along with an app that keeps you updated of any hazards,
construction, and heavy traffic.
 <http://design-milk.com/light-smart-ebike-city-dwellers/gi-bike-6/> A
Light, Smart eBike for City Dwellers in technology style fashion main
 <http://design-milk.com/light-smart-ebike-city-dwellers/gi-bike-7/> A
Light, Smart eBike for City Dwellers in technology style fashion main
The Gi Bike is an electric bike that's full-sized, but also folds up in
three seconds. The frame is aluminum and the standard weighs 26.5 lbs, while
the electric version weights 37.4 lbs. It comes with an integrated
anti-theft lock that locks the bike automatically when you are 10 feet away
from it. Share your bike? You can add more users to the Gi Bike so it
recognizes multiple riders.
 <http://design-milk.com/light-smart-ebike-city-dwellers/gi-bike-2/> A
Light, Smart eBike for City Dwellers in technology style fashion main
Biking up hills? That's where the electric assistance comes in. It can carry
the rider for up to 40 miles without the rider pedaling. It also has another
battery related feature - there's a USB integrated port where you can charge
your phone battery if need be.
 <http://design-milk.com/light-smart-ebike-city-dwellers/gi-bike-9/> A
Light, Smart eBike for City Dwellers in technology style fashion main
The bike also features front-wheel smart lights on the sides that turn on
during the night, ensuring safe biking. Moreover, the accompanying app keeps
you updated on traffic conditions. And of course, we can't forget social
integration. The smartphone app connects to Facebook, Twitter, and maps via
a wireless connection and is available on iOS and Android.
 <http://design-milk.com/light-smart-ebike-city-dwellers/gi-bike-4/> A
Light, Smart eBike for City Dwellers in technology style fashion main
 <http://design-milk.com/light-smart-ebike-city-dwellers/gi-bike-8/> A
Light, Smart eBike for City Dwellers in technology style fashion main
 <http://design-milk.com/light-smart-ebike-city-dwellers/gi-bike-3/> A
Light, Smart eBike for City Dwellers in technology style fashion main



Shared via my feedly reader <http://feedly.com>  



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