[Informatics] Informatics exam - C7

Mark mark at vceit.com
Tue Nov 29 12:42:55 AEDT 2016

Anyone? Anyone at all?

You can email me if you're too shy to answer in front of the class.


On 28 November 2016 at 12:23, Mark <mark at vceit.com> wrote:

> This question is confusing me.
> *Mary, the marketing manager, has come up with an idea to help cut costs.
> She has proposed that her online marketing department use email to contact
> InformUs' participants rather than the telemarketing department calling
> participants individually.*
> *Under Mary's plan, participants would complete a survey online and the
> results would be saved to the cloud rather than on the database on
> InformUs' file server.*
> *Explain one benefit of minimising risk for the InformUs information
> management strategy that Mary's proposal would have. *
> What does that question actually *mean*?
> It is asking:
> - How will Mary's proposal minimise risk to the strategy?
> or (what the actual words are saying):
> - What is a benefit of minimising risk?
> To which the answer is ... "One benefit of minimising risk for the
> information management strategy is that the strategy will face fewer risks."
> I don't know how students interpreted the question, and I feel sorry for
> the ESL kids trying to work out what on earth it means.
> I tried the old trick of reading the examiner's mind and working out what
> the mangled question was probably *trying* to say, but I honestly can't
> do it this time.
> How did you guys read this question?
> --
> Mark Kelly
> mark at vceit.com
> http://vceit.com


Mark Kelly

mark at vceit.com
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