[Informatics] Do you have concerns about this year's examination?

Mark mark at vceit.com
Thu Dec 1 13:09:37 AEDT 2016

Hi grumblers

If you have any worries about an exam question that you feel is unfair,
incorrect, ambiguous, or otherwise flawed, you may want to tell the nice
people at the VCAA Examinations Unit

examinations.vcaa at edumail.vic.gov.au

I've talked to them several times over the years and they are very
pleasant. They may indeed agree with you and modify the marking of an exam.

I sent them a note today with my concerns about the 'sitemapboard' (A9) and
the ambiguous word-mess that is C7.

Remember - as much as we might grumble on this list about a question,
nothing will happen about exam marking unless someone points out the
problem to VCAA.

Good luck!



Mark Kelly

mark at vceit.com
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