[Aries] Certification requirements - reiterated

Clarke Stevenson clarke.stevenson at bigpond.com
Tue Dec 6 09:43:21 EST 2005

Dear all
Please note that students must complete ALL unit exams and achieve 75% or
above to qualify for the Aries PC Maintenance and Repair certificate.
Certificates will not be issued without these requirements being achieved.
"To achieve Aries PC Maintenance and Repair certification students must
complete all units exam and an internship program that is monitored by the
class instructor. To receive an Aries PC Maintenance and Repair
Certification (Semester I and II), students must pass the following:
Semester 1 internship requirements are 50 hours and  
Semester 2 internship requirements are 50 hours.  
In addition students must pass the Semester 1 and 2 final exams with a 75%
or greater."
Clarke Stevenson
Higher Learning Pty Ltd
Clarke Stevenson
Ph 03 9846 5602
Fax 03 9846 5702
Mob 0433 202 383
Skype clarke.stevenson
higherlearning at bigpond.com
Aries Technology Pty Ltd www.aries.net
BroadLEARN www.mediasphere.com.au 
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