[Technical] Query about ClickView and similiar products.

Susan Courtland sjcourtland at westnet.com.au
Mon May 15 12:24:50 EST 2006

Hi David,

I was reading your comment on the Tech at edu list about the Media Edge System.
We have gone with ClickView & have been building up our own digital 
video library.  We have recently purchased the ClickView Library.
I manage the Library & I am very happy with it & the way it is set out.
Our Library Manager heard of a couple of schools who are setting out the 
library in a Dewey Decimal System format and now wants ours to be set up 
in this way even though she knows very little about ClickView.
I believe that the way it is set up by subject areas/study categories is 
the easiest way for all to use it & manage it.  After all it is a 
digital library not a physical resource that needs to be located from a 
I would be really interested to learn how you manage the Media Edge 
System, how it is organised & what your opinion is on using a DDC system 
to catalogue the digital library.

Kind regards,
Susan Courtland
Library Technician

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