[Year 12 Its] VB.NET 2005 Express error

Frank Van Den Boom vandenboomfj at aquinas.vic.edu.au
Wed Apr 26 12:50:18 EST 2006

We have just installed VB.NET 2005 Express in some of our labs and are having some teething problems, even with trivial programs. eg. a simple greeting program or calculator.
Things are generally ok until we click a Quit button (triggering 'End' in the code).
The attached file contains a snapshot of the error (from a compiled version of the program).
The problem is basically security connected. I have done some quick reading on the complex (for me) security provisions within VB Studio, and was hoping that making a project 'fully trusted' would be enough to get around the problem. Not so.
One of our IT technical staff is looking into it, but I thought I would ask if anybody out there has been through all of this already.
btw, installation on the home PC does not have these difficulties.
Hope someone might be able to help. Frank.
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