[Year 12 IPM] Staffing for IT Support/Technician Team

Lesley Humphries humples at santamaria.vic.edu.au
Sat May 6 23:11:40 EST 2006

Hi Lucy,

At Santa Maria College, we are lucky to have a very good non-teaching technician who has a degree in IT. He does just about everything, from networking, security, physical repairs, purchasing, software evaluation and staff and student support... he's great. We recently decided to put on an IT trainee (he works full time, but gets paid to go to TAFE one day a week, or less). He is also great value. The only time we get outside support is when we extend the network - we employ a cabling company to lay the cables. The same company arranged our CCTV.

I am the e-learning co-ordinator, and I am the link between the technician and the staff. I also do PD. It is a POL 2 position. We also have a portal manager who is also a teacher with time release.

Our staff were all provided with laptops at the start of last year. They are expected to take them to class with them as we do on-line attendances each lesson.

We have about 900 students, and about 220 desktop computers available in various classrooms, labs and hubs etc for students, so I guess our ratio is about 1:4 or so.

I know that many schools our size employ three or more people to do the work that our one technician does. I think one of the reasons that he is able to do such a good job is that we are very strict with security. Students can't download programs or any large files; neither can staff without permission. We are also lucky that we are a girls's school - girls are no-where as destructive as boys!

Hope this helps


> Hi All,
> The admin at my school (Aitken College) want to re-structure the IT
> Support/Technician department. The school has grown over the years which
> has resulted in a large increase in the number of computers on the school
> network.
> I was wondering if anyone out there could provide me with the following
> information relating to their place of employment.
> How is the IT Support/Technician teams structured at your school? What are
> the ratios for PC numbers to number of students and PC numbers to
> Technicians? Do you have only internal I.T support or are you provided
> with support from external parties (i.e. experts).
> One last request, are your staff provided with Desktop computers or Laptops?
> Thank you
> Lucy Gusak
> Head of Inforamtion Technology Faculty
> Aitken College
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Ms Lesley Humphries
Learning Technologies Co-ordinator
Santa Maria College
50 Separation Street
Northcote 3070
Ph: 9489 7644
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