[Year 12 IPM] 3in6 typo fix

Donna Benjamin donna at cc.com.au
Wed Jun 21 23:26:10 EST 2006

Hi Keith,

Just noticed a wee typo on this page...

Title Frames at the start must 
(1) give the video a title, 
(2) identify the School and the 
(3) Competition Division and 
(4) state: "VITTA 3in6-2005".

Thought you might want to update the date in item 4 :)

Was looking at the site, because I just recommended to someone they
should consider having a go.

Btw, when you get a moment - you might want to review the page on the
VITTA site, and let me know what updates / changes need to be made


donna benjamin - executive director
ph +61 3 9326 9985 | mob +61 418 310 414
research - facilitation - web development 

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