[English] Tutoring

Lyle Stebbing lylestebbing at yahoo.com.au
Fri Aug 8 15:31:14 EST 2014

Hello all,
There is an English tutoring position going for all of next year - 2015. It is in Footscray (close to public transport) on Sundays. It involves tutoring small classes of about 10-15 students in English. This means providing extra support and skill-building for the English courses students undertake in their secondary schools. The classes run for two hours each and the students are polite, friendly, responsive and keen to do well. There will either be four hours involved- years 11 and 12 classes - or six hours - years 10, 11 and 12. If you are interested, could you please contact me on this mailing list? Then we can discuss it further via phone. Thanks.
Lyle Stebbing
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