[English] The I am not in the office spam -- from theAdministrator

Renate El-Shataly renate at siena.vic.edu.au
Fri Jul 14 08:07:45 EST 2006

Hey!  Thank you for all the work - I love this list because it keeps me in 
the loop and I like the idea of having access to massive brain network if I 
get stuck on a problem
cheers Renate
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mary Mason" <mary.mason at geelongcollege.vic.edu.au>
To: <english at edulists.com.au>
Sent: Friday, July 14, 2006 7:38 AM
Subject: Re: [English] The I am not in the office spam -- from 

> Thank you very much.
> Mary
>>>> kevork at edulists.com.au 13/07/2006 9:53 pm >>>
> Dear long suffering English teachers,
>      The dreaded out of offce spam has been killed off.
> I have also built in some extra filtering so that if the exact
> characters "out of office" appear in an email subject ANYWHERE, the
> email will be killed off without hitting the list. There are ways around
> it , such as an extra space between the words, but we we will assume
> people who are genuinely out of the office will be able to construct the
> phrase with the correct spelling and spacing and will have it in the
> subject of the email. We will deal with variations if and when we have
> to.
>     There may be some testing in the next few days just to ensure the
> filtering is working as expected, however do not be alarmed as the out
> of office subject line will state it is for testing only.
>       The damage seems to have been done between midnight and 9 am
> this morning  ( Thursday ).
>        I know this filtering works because I wrote this email with the
> subject:
>    "The Out of Office SPAM -- from the Administrator " and it never
> got through , hence the re-phrasing of the subject line on the second
> attempt ::)))
> We move forward.
> With thanks
> Kevork Krozian
> Mailing List Creator and Administrator
> kevork at edulists.com.au
> www.edulists.com.au
> Tel: 0419 356 034
> Kevork Krozian
> Mailing List Creator and Administrator
> kevork at edulists.com.au
> www.edulists.com.au
> Tel: 0419 356 034
> -- 
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