[Yr7-10it] VicCurric

Garth, Lucas A garth.lucas.a at edumail.vic.gov.au
Tue May 3 12:22:46 AEST 2016

Hi Robert,
I'd suggest as you have a discrete subject, the student's page of a DT report should be all you need.

The "ICT component" is not part of the new curriculum because it is integrated into every subject, but the Digitech component even if integrated should be reported in some way.

I'd suggest it's probably up to each school to work out how they will report on the teaching of Digitech particularly if integration occurs. You probably need to assess students across the Year 7-8 continuum, so therefore you may not "need" to insert a Year 8 subject if all of the content can be covered in Year 7.

I'd argue for a Year 8 subject "just because" but honestly the requirements are only for certain topics to be covered in by the time a student hits Year 8.

Then I think the only requirement is for a student to have "access to the curriculum" at Year 9 and 10, which means no need for anything more than an elective subject somewhere within these year levels.

Correct me if I'm wrong anyone...


   1. Re: VicCurric (Fox, Richard R)


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 2 May 2016 02:22:28 +0000
From: "Fox, Richard R" <fox.richard.r at edumail.vic.gov.au>
Subject: Re: [Yr7-10it] VicCurric
To: "yr7-10it at edulists.com.au" <yr7-10it at edulists.com.au>
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Thanks Lucas,

We are already standalone, and have been since I started here, with subjects at Year 7, 9 and 10. So don't need to fight for timetable space, or train other non-IT teachers. Allthough we now need to cover Year 8 too. Integrated would be nice though, there are so many cross-over points, but that happens in all domains too.

It's more about whether it is feasible to put it on the reports as Victorian Curriculum since it isn't really part of AusVELS. I've raised it with our Compass and report administrators to see if there is already a block I can add to the report equivalent to the usual AusVELS, VCE, VET or VCAL descriptors.

Richard Fox
Teacher of IT and Science
eLearning and Learning Technologies Coordinator Diamond Valley College
9438 1411
From: Garth, Lucas A
Sent: Monday, 2 May 2016 12:08 PM
To: Fox, Richard R
Subject: VicCurric

Hi Richard,

If you?re going standalone then I think you will need to both report on the subject and also the dot (I gather new curric will still need a reported dot on the Year 7 to 10 continuum)

If you?re going integrated then you just need to report on a dot.

My school is probably going to try for integrated which is going to be really difficult to achieve (because it means I?ll need to train every teacher in their DT components).  The other option is to carve out timetable space (and then probably train a set of teachers to be able to teach the subject areas)

Lots of lost friendships across the board?




I'm curious as to whether any schools are reporting against the Victorian Curriculum Digital Technologies subject in this year. Although the new curriculum isn't required until next year, we have been working on our existing IT subjects (which did not exist under AusVELS) to bring them in line for 2017. So it would seem more relevant to report against the outcomes for DigiTech, rather than the old ICT General Capabilities statements?




Richard Fox

Teacher of IT and Science

eLearning and Learning Technologies Coordinator Diamond Valley College

9438 1411

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