[Yr7-10it] Early computers

Roland Gesthuizen rgesthuizen at gmail.com
Tue May 17 21:30:48 EST 2011

In theory they could reassemble the key bits to make CSIRAC operational but
it would be better to just build a duplicate and tinker with that. Part of
the curatorial work to preserve the computer for future generations meant
that they had to remove and store bits like the mercury switches and small
lights (along with a rather frightening power setup) I was surprised by the
length the Melbourne museum went to secure the oral history of the computer
and even authentic props such as chairs

On 17 May 2011 08:04, Colin SUTTON <oz.sutton at gmail.com> wrote:

> CSIRAC (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CSIRAC) IS the world's oldest valve
> computer (first gen) at Melbourne Museum, but is not in working order.

I'll admit a vested interest, having once helped work on these educational
activities with a colleague ;-)

The computer has moved to just under the entrance staircase, worth a visit
if anybody has not yet seen it. Make sure you read the background story
online and the string of first this computer kicked off. If there is enough
interest, I can see about organising an evening CSIRAC tour with the curator
of this modern marvel. Mention it to me this Saturday at the ICTEV
conference <http://www.ictev.vic.edu.au/> and I'll see what I can do.

Regards Roland

Roland Gesthuizen - eLearning Coordinator - Keysborough Secondary College

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