[Yr7-10it] Computer Game Design, Programming, Multimedia and Mathematics

Bill Kerr billkerr at gmail.com
Mon Jul 25 21:52:14 EST 2005

*Computer Game Design, Programming, Multimedia and Mathematics* 

(apologies for cross posting, we wanted this initial message to reach all 
possible interested parties)

Computer game programming has just achieved an enhanced profile in 
Australian schools. 

We're delighted to announce that our submission for funding to the 
Australian School Innovation in Science, Technology and Mathematics (ASISTM) 
Project has been successful.

Visit http://www.asistm.edu.au/successful.asp?st=all to see a summary of all 
successful submissions.

The Game making submission was authored by a collective of three
schools in South
Australia, two in Victoria and one in Tasmania as well as ACMI, the 
Australian Centre for Moving Image. Both primary and secondary schools are 

The Coordinator of the project is Tony Forster a Victorian parent and 
professional engineer who initially became interested in Game Maker as a way 
to teach his son computer programming. 

Our Project goals include:

- to use the motivating power of computer games to improve outcomes in 
traditional education areas, including design, programming, multimedia and 

- to replicate the highly successful Computer Club project in other schools

- to establish game programming as a well recognised learning tool in 
Australian primary and secondary schools

- to establish active communities, both of teachers and students, who are 
enthused by game programming

The Project is funded for the next 18 months but aims to becoming self 
sustaining beyond that.

If you wish to become involved or obtain more information then please 
contact either Tony Forster or a signatory in your State listed below:
*Forster Engineering Services P/L*
Tony Forster forster at ozonline.com.au

*Westall** ** Secondary** **College** (Clayton South)*
Roland Gesthuizen rge at westallsc.vic.edu.au

*Kardinia** ** International** **College** (** Geelong**)*
James Powell PowellJ at kardinia.vic.edu.au

South Australia:
*Woodville** **High School** (Woodville)*
Bill Kerr billkerr at gmail.com

*Glenelg** ** Primary School** (Glenelg East)*
Al Upton al.upton at glenelgsr7.sa.edu.au

* **Cedar** ** College** (GREENACRES)*
Steve Sakovits steve at sakovits.com

*New **Town** ** High School** (New Town)*
"Meijers, Margaret T" margaret.meijers at education.tas.gov.au

Australian Centre for Moving Image (ACMI):
Vincent Trundle vtrundle at acmi.net.au
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