[Yr7-10it] Kahootz in Secondary Schools

Roland Gesthuizen rge at westallsc.vic.edu.au
Sat Aug 6 11:59:28 EST 2005

Worth adding that the GameMaker product is reasonably priced to register a
site licence, schools would be wise to take this up.

Say Zach, could you write up something about Blender for the VITTA
newsletter and any classroom clues? This is an exciting bit of software that
we could certainly weave into our new year 10 course.

Last year our graphics teacher was blown away by what some year 9 lads did
in their lunch break to engineer an entire virtual city landscape using some
game map editing tools for Cybercom, our games club. This was in stark
contrast to the crude 3D boxes they had designed in class. The chance to
play and compete with the objects they made was a very powerful motivation.

Regards Roland

Roland Gesthuizen - eLearning Coordinator - Westall Secondary College 
-----Original Message-----
From: yr7-10it-bounces at edulists.com.au
[mailto:yr7-10it-bounces at edulists.com.au] On Behalf Of Tony Forster
Sent: Friday, 5 August 2005 10:48 PM
To: Year 7 - 10 Information Technology Teachers' Mailing List
Subject: Re: [Yr7-10it] Kahootz in Secondary Schools

"Zach Alexakos" wrote: Blender is a freebie computer software ....  It
enables you to create 3D games . Gamemaker is another game software (quite
good too), but it is only pc compatible.

Note that Gamemaker V5 is able to do 3D games in the unregistered version
 and V6 has even more 3D support in the registered version

Python is an open source object oriented programming language. Its add in
Vpython gives 3D programming capability. Vpython is greatly recommended,
particularly for its suite of examples including 3D simulations of gas
kinematics and solar system formation.

tonys3dpong.py http://www.freewebs.com/schoolgamemaker/#python is a simple
example of how to make a 3D game

Dont forget the Games in Schools conference Sept 9

Tony Forster

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