RE: [Textiles and Technology] National Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians - Draft

pahenterprises at pahenterprises at
Mon Sep 8 12:50:30 EST 2008

Dear Lorriane,
This is what we anticipated.
There will need to be a ground swell to roll it.
Is Karl Seeman still able to come to our meeting next week?
I looked on the Teaching Australia web site and DATTA Aus is not one of the
National Teaching Associations listed. Who can we contact about this?
It is apity that Nat meeting is later than the closing date. Can we contact
the other DATTA bodies and get a forcefull statement together.

Where do you think technology will be covered e.g. part of science?

Hear from you soon

>-- Original Message --
>Date: Mon, 8 Sep 2008 11:03:07 +1000
>From: "Tran, Lorraine I" <tran.lorraine.i at>
>To: <destech at>, <aghort at>,
>        <foodtech at>, <textech at>,
>        <syseng at>
>Subject: [Textiles and Technology] National Declaration on Educational Goals
>	for Young Australians - Draft
>Reply-To: "Textiles and Technology Teachers' Mailing List"
>	<textech at>
>Dear colleagues
>I have just received the attached press release about the Draft National
>Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians. On page 10 of
>the draft declaration it lists 7 Learning areas (technology and/or
>design and technology is NOT one of them) and on page 11 lists
>Multidisciplinary perspectives (includes ICT, design and creativity,
>civics and citizenship, environmental sustainability and business).
>Design and technology does not have a guernsey. When I refer to design
>and technology I mean: materials (wood, metal, plastics, food,
>textiles), systems (electronic, mechanical and control); and
>agriculture/horticulture. This is to distinguish design and technology
>from ICT which can be incorporated into the areas of design and tech
>I've described above. In the previous National Goals of Schooling,
>Technology was a Key Learning Area.
>There will be a public consultation period. Submissions on the draft can
>be made until 3 October 2008.
>To view the draft declaration and submit comments, visit the MCEETYA
>As I understand it the National Declaration will form the basis of
>national curriculum development in the future.
>Please feel free to send this email to others who may need to be
>informed of this development.
>Regards, Lorraine.
>Lorraine Tran
>Curriculum Manager, P - 12 Design and Technology
>Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA)
>41 St Andrews Place
>East Melbourne 3002
>Email: tran.lorraine.i at
>Telephone: (03) 9651 4407
>Mobile:       041 933 1630
>The Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority provides high quality
>curriculum, assessment and reporting that promotes individual life long
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