[Technical] Request for Budget submission feedback

Kevork Krozian kroset at novell1.fhc.vic.edu.au
Tue Oct 21 18:46:11 EST 2008

Hi Folks,

      We are embarking on a budget review of ICT needs for calendar 2009 and I was hoping for some assistance from others as to how they have arrived at their requests.
      For example, we have around 575 students and with the Rudd government initiative will be running around 300 computers, 16 or so servers etc. with 1 full time routine technical support person and several hours of high end technical support.  For the past 3 years our budget has been $60,000 per annum not including desktop replacements . Yes it is inadequate. This budget has covered all internet use, printer and photocopier repairs, all cabling, all network software and applications, all switches and routers, racks, all hardware and wages etc etc.
      What formula or guidelines do others use for the funding of the ICT budget at their schools please ?

With thanks

Kevork Krozian
IT Manager , Forest Hill College
k.krozian at fhc.vic.edu.au
Mobile: 0419 356 034

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