[Technical] Internet Explorer Provided by

Jason Clarke JCL at gwsc.vic.edu.au
Thu May 29 13:44:09 EST 2008

Hi Jordie,


There is also the "Internet Explorer Administration Kit". IEAK for


This can be used on non-AD/GPO managed machines.




Jason Clarke


From: tech-bounces at edulists.com.au [mailto:tech-bounces at edulists.com.au]
On Behalf Of Ford, Jordie
Sent: Tuesday, 27 May 2008 8:55 PM
To: tech at edulists.com.au
Subject: [Technical] Internet Explorer Provided by


What I want to do is have the top bar say 'Internet Explorer Provided


How do I best go about accomplishing this.


IE6, on xpSP2 Workstations by the way.

Thanks in anticipation.



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