[Technical] Schools needed for desktop solution trial

Ron Fabre ron at cybersource.com.au
Mon Aug 14 15:13:10 EST 2006


I'm keen to talk to 2 or 3 schools who want to take part in a trial of 
locked-down desktop systems. We're bringing a product into the education 
market and need feedback from local schools.

Some details:

* Will will supply the hardware and software. You merely need network 
and power points.

* We will bundle a range of standard desktop productivity and 
educational applications.

* We will deliver and install this system.

* Obviously, there is not cost to you at all.

The market we're moving into is high-availability, zero-admin, low cost 
desktops for schools.

As an example, we have one state government site who uses over 100 of 
these systems which has resulted in them reducing desktop support down 
to only 5 minutes over the last 6 months.


If you perceive there's an advantage for you to gain experience with 
this kind of technology, then joining our trial will give you a 
front-row seat. Please contact me directly.

Best regards
Ron Fabre                       "The wireless music box has no
Product & Services Manager      imaginable commercial value. Who would
Cybersource Pty Ltd             pay for a message sent to nobody
4/10-16 Queen St, Melbourne     in particular?" - David Sarnoff's
P:03 9621 2377  F:03 9621 2477  associates in response to his urgings
http://www.cybersource.com.au/  for investment in the radio in the 1920s

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