[Technical] Converting quicktime movie from an olympus still camera

Stanislaus Sukohondono suko at siena.vic.edu.au
Thu Sep 8 16:13:25 EST 2005


I would get QuickTime Pro from an Apple Comp reseller.

It will let you export quicktime into an AVI file.


-----Original Message-----
From: tech-bounces at edulists.com.au
[mailto:tech-bounces at edulists.com.au]On Behalf Of Wayne Hewett
Sent: Thursday, 8 September 2005 9:20 AM
To: tech at edulists.com.au
Subject: [Technical] Converting quicktime movie from an olympus still

Greetings all

I need to be able to convert the quicktime movie format of an olympus
still camera into a compatible Windows Moviemaker 2 format. Are there
any public domain programs that do this?


Wayne Hewett
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