[Year 12 IT Apps] Informatics - aaargh

Leo Keith lkeith at distance.vic.edu.au
Tue May 13 10:21:38 EST 2014

I completely agree with Mark re : Informatics and gave draft feedback to that effect.

I feel that the name "Informatics" will turn students away and the content contains little that will appeal. It seems a confusing contradiction that portfolio based assessment is being introduced at the same time as the key skills and knowledge become more dry and theoretical.

Like Margaret I don't have a problem with the emphasis on database work (I already teach databases in both Units 3 & 4 as my students quite like them) but I'm worried the increased emphasis on data analysis and project management will give students little to sink their teeth into.

I would salvage ITA/Informatics by making it a subject based around web development. It could even be called "Web Development" to draw in the crowds. I think most of the draft key skills and knowledge could be retained in this case with a couple of minor tweaks.

*         the AOS on databases could have a focus on back-end development

*         the AOS which includes website analysis and visual design could focus on front end development

*         the web emphasis would put the project management and data analysis in an authentic, appealing, context

*         the subject would be "sellable to students"

This is how I have tried to teach ITA and I suppose I will try to coerce Informatics into a similar form but it doesn't look like it is going to be an easy subject to make appealing for students or teachers.

On a sidenote I'm pretty happy with the draft for Software Dev and am ambivalent about the draft for 11 Information Technology.


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