[Year 12 IT Apps] developing Games for the iPhone and iPod Touch

Hutchison, Geoffrey G hutchison.geoffrey.g at edumail.vic.gov.au
Wed May 12 21:48:57 EST 2010

$750/$900 ... whooaa


And Melbourne centric ......again


Geoff Hutchison,

IT Manager/Coordinator,

McGuire College,

Shepparton, Vic




From: itapps-bounces at edulists.com.au
[mailto:itapps-bounces at edulists.com.au] On Behalf Of Geraldine McKenna
Sent: Wednesday, 12 May 2010 9:32 PM
To: Year 12 IT Applications Teachers' Mailing List
Subject: Re: [Year 12 IT Apps] developing Games for the iPhone and iPod


Pity once again that exorbitant pricing is offputting. Otherwise it
sounds very interesting and worthwhile.
Geraldine McKenna
Avila College
Mt Waverley

On 12/05/10 10:30 AM, "VITTA Professional Development" <pd at vitta.org.au>

Learn to Create Games for the iPod Touch, iPhone and iPad!

with Conor O'Kane

This 10 week course covers creating simple 2D games using the Torque
game engine, and deploying those games onto Apple hardware such as the
iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch. The course is tailored for teachers who want
to use game development as a learning aid for all subject areas.

Areas covered include:

    * Importing artwork, or creating original art for use in games.
    * Writing scripts to add interactivity and gameplay.
    * Creating particle effects.
    * Incorporating tilt and touch input methods.
    * Adding sound effects and music.
    * Using Apple's Xcode to deploy games! onto the target platforms.
    * Hardware, software and financial requirements for Torque game
development in the classroom.

For more information and to book:

If you have any questions email Jo at pd at vitta.org.au
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