[Year 12 IT Apps] U3O2

Christophersen, Paula P christophersen.paula.p at edumail.vic.gov.au
Fri May 7 08:54:17 EST 2010

Dear colleagues


Outcome 2 in ITA3 has certainly generated lots of comments over the past
week or so. I thought I would just clarify or reiterate some points made
about this outcome. Last week Mark Kelly correctly stated that the
essence of the outcome is for students to develop an understanding of
how networks can support collaborative problem-solving and the sharing
of knowledge. For the practical part of this outcome students are
required to develop a prototype website that shows how these functions
could be achieved. Students do not have to develop a fully functional
website that supports the requirements of collaboration and knowledge
sharing - they create the interface but it does not have to be
operational. The types of software functions to be demonstrated in this
website are stated on the VCAA website at:




What is critical for the practical component of the assessment task is
that students can demonstrate through a prototype website their
understanding of the most appropriate ways of achieving the two
objectives of collaborative problem solving and knowledge sharing. If
you need further advice please read paragraphs 2 and 3 on page 66 of the
study design (Advice for teachers section) and visit
ports/2007/itapp34sacreport.pdf for the School-assessed Coursework
Report 2007.


Also, while I am here, if you haven't registered for an Implementation
workshop focusing on the 2011 study design, please do so at:


A workshop is being held in every region - scroll down until you reach
your region. If you cannot attend, the resource material used at the
workshop will be available on both the VCAA and VITTA websites. 





Paula Christophersen

ICT Curriculum Manager


41 St Andrews Place


(03) 9651 4378


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