[Year 12 IPM] McKinnon is running SoD!

Kevork Krozian kevork at edulists.com.au
Sun Oct 15 23:33:15 EST 2006

Hi Mark,

  Never fear , lots of SOD teachers are here  !
Fortran, Cobol and machine code are really interesting , but more for 
historical reasons and neither for SOD nor even for current course purposes.
FIFO and LIFO are also out of the Study Design, however you could give OOP a 
nice run.
It may be comforting to know that there will be someone who has done some 
work on most of the areas you will be sweating over this summer.

 The two programming tasks will be :

 1. To program a module suitable to run on a portable device and
 2. To program a solution to a problem taking into account the network 
environment the solution will need to operate within. I take this to mean 
concurrency , sharing of databases as updates are made and committed.

   The other issue is you are required to use the same programming language 
for both tasks. I could think of different languages that would work nicely 
in each instance ( eg. Java, VB.NET for the first task ,  PHP for the second 
, but no such luxury I am afraid ).

 Welcome aboard and let's continue on the IT Systems list ......

Kevork Krozian
Mailing List Creator and Administrator
kevork at edulists.com.au
Tel: 0419 356 034
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mark Kelly" <kel at mckinnonsc.vic.edu.au>
To: "Year 12 Information Technology Processing and Management 
Teachers'Mailing List" <ipm at edulists.com.au>
Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2006 5:20 PM
Subject: [Year 12 IPM] McKinnon is running SoD!

> Woohoo! I've just found out I'm teaching Software Development (SoD) in 
> 2007 for the first time (never having taught the current study design's 
> Information Systems)
> I've programmed FORTRAN on a Cyber mainframe, machine code on Z80 and 
> 6502, C, and BASIC (with a touch of COBOL and Pascal) since 1978 but it's 
> still a bit scary having to try to explain to students how to do something 
> that has been intuitive and just a hobby for so long.
> Like, I *KNOW* what FIFO stacks and indirect pointers are, but the scary 
> challenge is trying to explain them to wide-eyed neophytes. I guess that's 
> what makes teaching such a challenge.
> Thinks: I hope I don't need to know encapsulation and inheritance - I 
> ossified before OOP got popular.
> Expect the IT Lecture Notes site to expand quite a lot: that's where I 
> consolidate my own understanding by trying to explain it to others.
> It's going to be a busy summer!
> Mark
> --
> Mark Kelly
> Manager - Information Systems
> McKinnon Secondary College
> IT Lecture notes: http://vceit.com
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