[Year 12 IPM] Practice AFL U3O2 Activity for 2006

Keith Richardson keithcr at fastmail.fm
Sat Mar 11 16:53:11 EST 2006

Hello lucky holiday-makers! Some of us still have to work (our holidays
come later).
I have just created a practice activity for my IP&M kids for U3O2 - it
is attached.
Please feel free to adjust, modify as you will. I would appreciate
receiving any improvement suggestions please. I know it is not perfect.
I have tried to tap into the strong interest many kids have in AFL
footy, albeit biassed towards the club/s they support, and felt that it
might be useful to get them to set up criteria by which they can judge
the effectiveness and efficiency of each of the 16 official club
websites, using both group discussion and individual work.
Keith Richardson
IPM List Moderator
Head of ICT, Leibler Yavneh College
Ph: 03.9528.4911
k.richardson at yavneh.vic.edu.au

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