[Year 12 IPM] ITA ("IPM 2007") summary

Robert Timmer-Arends timmer at melbpc.org.au
Tue Mar 7 20:14:29 EST 2006

Hello Laurie

> However I take exception (but am not sufficiently thin skinned to
> require an apology ;-) ) to your comments regarding fingerpainting with
> computers.
Sorry to sound as if I was taking aim at you - my comment was a general
frustation not aimed at anybody in particular, but rather at one of the
sentiments that seems to float around this list whenever the study design is
discussed, namely that IT should have no theoretical content. (I guess this
thread has raised a bit of hyperbole all round!)

>I'm not sure we're addressing the
> right target audience here. IPM tends to be regarded by many as "veggie
> computing" with the more able students tackling Systems, Maths and
> Physics. I still think the theoretical content is off track for the
> calibre and focus of our students.
You may be right, but remember that there is another stream in IT, and also
that the problem solving aspects of information production should form a
strong component of the course; ie the 'hands on' part of the course is not
supposed to be just 'hands on'; it is supposed to also train/educate
students to take a considered approach to using IT applications - this, in
principle at least, is not the stuff of vegetables!

> What would I like? Presently I start the year using the scanning SAC to
> prepare a set of images, logos or artwork for a commercial web site the
> students design for the information solution SAC. The web site includes
> dummy forms for email, interacting and placing orders with the business.
> The kids  seem to like this. For the database component in Unit 3 I'm
> playing around with extending their web site to interact with a MySQL
> database I manage on our web server. I would like to extend this to
> developing a whole business solution involving stationery (mandated and
> preferred conventions!) and promotional materials, but I don't think I
> can fit an assessment of the the latter into the SD.
Sounds great and while I agree that the new course may not accomodate all of
this, I am not sure that the web components and DB components can't be made
to work.

> Because of the description of the database component v the nature of a
> database server I'm having problems meeting the criteria.
Is there some reason the students can't create their own db using MySQL? If
not, then surely all criteria can be met. Or am I missing something?
In fact, sounds to me like you could marry U3OC1 and U3OC2 with what you are
doing (I know it's probably a shotgun wedding but ...)

> I don't think this is fingerpainting!
I agree

Robert T-A
Brighton SC

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