[Year 12 IPM] IT in VELS

Ben Tallent tallent.benjamin.b at edumail.vic.gov.au
Mon Jun 5 10:23:15 EST 2006

Dear all,
It is good to see so much talk about VELS at the moment and schools
commenting on there IT subjects. I am in the process of changing the IT
courses for year 9 and 10 at the moment because they are truly in the dark
ages. Year 9 we teach Aries (which is an online computer course) and year 10
only works with the Microsoft Office book. None of this helps me when I have
to teach VCE IT and the kids really have no background at all. I was after
some help with the following.
1) Text books that could be used in year 9 and 10 that give some background
towards VCE IT.
2) What other schools are currently teaching at year 9 and 10
3) Also if any schools are teaching game maker and how this has been so far
I am also thinking up some new names for the year 9 and 10 courses as the
VCE names have changed as well. If anyone has some interesting suggestions I
would love to hear them.

Thanks in advance.

Ben Tallent
Red Cliffs Secondary College

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