[ESL] Yr 12 ESL exam marking

lianne orlina anne_mallow_18 at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 12 15:35:56 EST 2012

Hi, Lisa!

I'm interested in marking the practice ESL exam papers. Hope it's not yet late.


 From: LANDER Lisa (LanderL) <LanderL at vermontsc.vic.edu.au>
To: "esl at edulists.com.au" <esl at edulists.com.au> 
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2012 10:37 AM
Subject: [ESL] Yr 12 ESL exam marking
I'm looking for someone to mark some prac ESL exam papers - just 9!!
Anyone interested or know of someone who would be?

Sent from my iPad

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