[Informatics] Integrity exam question

Laurie McDonald (Mr) mcdonaldl at stmargarets.vic.edu.au
Tue Sep 29 07:03:16 UTC 2020

Hi All

Hope the break is going well.

From Section C, 3B from last year I think I  need to get some clarity around integrity.

In order to collect more data, Pranesh suggests mailing surveys to random residents. Carolyn has an old list of residents that has each person’s surname, first name and address. The list is
eight years old. Pranesh is concerned about the integrity of the data if this list is used, in particular the addresses of the residents. Name the characteristic of data integrity that would cause the greatest problems for the dentists if they use this list. Explain why this characteristic is a concern.

Accuracy was the only accepted response. 0.5 out of 3 the average mark.

VCAA said - One area for improvement is students’ understanding of the aspects of data integrity. While students could identify these aspects, too many used the wrong definition in their answers. For example, many thought that timeliness refers to when the data was first created/gathered, rather than when data is gathered in relation to the current project,. Students need to be familiar with the terminology used within the study.

Even considering the logic described in the VCAA comment - the data was gathered 8 years earlier in relation to the current survey project being undertaken. Does that, for that project, bring into question the timeliness of the data.

Am I missing something. Is the data being considered to be gathered at the current time of the project?


Kind Regards,
Mr Laurie McDonald
Digital Technologies

From: informatics <informatics-bounces at edulists.com.au> On Behalf Of Roland Gesthuizen
Sent: Saturday, 19 September 2020 9:58 AM
To: Year 12 VCE Informatics Teachers' Mailing List <informatics at edulists.com.au>
Subject: Re: [Informatics] informatics Digest, Vol 56, Issue 15

It is good to see :-)

The sample exam that follows a new study design is designed to introduce the layout, the language and tone. In a sense, if it feels familiar and anchors us to what we have done in the past with fewer surprises .. in some measure, that's reassuring and a good starting point for our students.

I would kind of like us to consider crowdsourcing a magnifying glass onto those past exams wrt the new study design: i.e listing don’t do this and that question, add this missing topic etc .. but the term break and that marking pile beckons (sigh) Don’t forget DLTV VCE Resource Kit & Exam https://dltv.vic.edu.au/VCE-Resource-Kit and especially their free membership  offer https://dltv.vic.edu.au/Join-us

Have a well earned break everybody ..

Regards Roland

On 18 Sep 2020, at 12:17 pm, Benn POLLOCK <pol at wantirnacollege.vic.edu.au<mailto:pol at wantirnacollege.vic.edu.au>> wrote:

Good to see the sample exam has been published... Although, it's pretty much a replica of the 'Informatics Sample Exam' published in 2016 which is extremely disappointing. Most of my students have already done these questions and whilst there are some new questions in line with the new study design, this is slightly disappointing.
Even the case study is the same to some extent as the one published in 2016. Most MC questions seem to be from previous Informatics exams (including the 2016 sample).
Short Answer/Case Study questions just seem to be reworded on first glance... I don't see a whole lot of new content.. Sorry for the rant but my kids are hanging out for this to be an 'new' experience for them so you can hopefully understand my frustrations... Thanks.. I think I need these holidays!!

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