[Informatics] STEM Education Seminar: Make it so

Roland Gesthuizen rgesthuizen at gmail.com
Wed Feb 21 23:40:29 EST 2018

Apologies for any duplicate messages. Some of you may like to come next week to a STEM Education event that I am chairing. Please share these details onto anybody who would be interested. Looking forward to seeing you there :-)

Date	Thursday 1 March 2018 from 5:30pm – 7:30pm
Venue 	Monash University 19 Ancora Imparo Way, Clayton VIC 3800 (closest parking and entrance via Wellington Road)
Register 	https://monash.edu/education/makeitso <https://monash.edu/education/makeitso>

It is at our brand squeaky new Education Faculty building at Monash University, Clayton. As we are also live streaming, you can register and watch from home (or play back the recording). Free nibbles and drinks for those that turn up. Check out the small pop-up makerspace we are running in the foyer before and after the event.

The Engaging STEM Education seminar series in 2018 explores how STEM education can develop literacies and capabilities in learners. The first twill draw on the ‘maker movement’ as a stimulus for considering what STEM initiatives might look and feel like in practice. We are running a small maker-space in the new building foyer. In a sense, we are hacking things to stimulate learning and sharing this culture with schools.

Regards Roland
Roland Johannes GESTHUIZEN
STEM Method Lecturer & Professional Practice Consultant
Faculty of Education <http://www.monash.edu/education>29 Ancora Imparo Way <https://maps.google.com/?q=29+Ancora+Imparo+Way%C2%A0Monash&entry=gmail&source=g> Monash <https://maps.google.com/?q=29+Ancora+Imparo+Way%C2%A0Monash&entry=gmail&source=g> University VIC 3800

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