[Informatics] Interested in entering your students into the Young ICT Explorers competition?

Shannon Dooley Shannon.Dooley at nicta.com.au
Mon May 16 15:03:11 AEST 2016

Hi all,

Just a quick reminder that the registration for your schools expression of interest to participate in the Young ICT Explorers Competition 2016 closes 31 May (2 weeks).

You don't need to know how many teams will be participating by the registration date, just that you have students that are interested in participating. Register via the Young ICT Explorers website.

We are seeking students from all year levels to enter their innovative technology based projects.

This year's competition will be held on the 6th August at Deakin University, Burwood.

Any questions please let me know Shannon.dooley at nicta.com.au<mailto:Shannon.dooley at nicta.com.au> or go to http://www.youngictexplorers.net.au/


Shannon Dooley
Event Coordinator VIC & TAS
Digital Careers


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