[Informatics] Job opportunity

Shannon.Dooley at csiro.au Shannon.Dooley at csiro.au
Fri Dec 16 11:52:52 AEDT 2016

Hi all,

A job opportunity has passed my desk which may be of interest to this group or can be passed onto someone who would be interested..

Strathcona Baptist Girls Grammar School<https://www.strathcona.vic.edu.au/> is looking for a teacher of Unit 3 and 4 Informatics.

This will involve teaching an after school class, one day a week. Ideal for a teacher who is already working part time elsewhere.

I have the PD if interested otherwise best to contact the school.

Shannon Dooley
Event Coordinator Vic & Tas | Digital Careers, Education and Outreach - CSIRO
E Shannon.dooley at csiro.au<mailto:Shannon.dooley at csiro.au> M 0466 320 203  A East Reception, Gate 5, Normanby Road, Clayton, Vic 3168 (Private Bag 10, Clayton South, Vic 3169)
www.digitalcareers.edu.au<http://www.digitalcareers.edu.au/> | www.csiro.au<http://www.csiro.au/>

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