[Informatics] Citation styles

Mark mark at vceit.com
Wed Aug 10 14:01:32 AEST 2016

Hi, credit-givers

A student I was tutoring asked whether he needed to be able to cite a
reference in all four of the named styles (Harvard, APA, Chicago, and

Interesting question. I said no.

U3O2 KK4 says (with my italics) " - *one* of the following methods for
referencing primary and secondary sources: Harvard, American
Psychological Association (latest edition), Chicago, Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)".

>From this, I deduce that the examiner would *not* be allowed to ask a
student to take some reference data and present it *in one specific style*,

*Question 4. Fred Smith wrote "This technique is great" in his article
'Frog Rescue Methods' on pages 56 to 64 of the August 1977 edition of
'Frogs Monthly'. Write a suitable citation for both the body text and
reference list using the Harvard referencing style."*

But students *could* be asked to write the reference in one of the 4 styles *of
their choosing*.

Is this how you good folk interpret the study design?


Mark Kelly

mark at vceit.com
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