[Yr7-10it] ICT and VELS

Christophersen, Paula P christophersen.paula.p at edumail.vic.gov.au
Tue Jun 6 12:01:07 EST 2006

Dear colleagues


As stated in the introduction to the ICT domain of VELS, the main
educational focus of the domain is to equip students with the knowledge
and skills to 'transform their learning and to enrich their learning
environment'. It is the intent that students will use ICT to help make
sense of content, ideas, issues, processes etc in all areas of learning.


To maximise the benefits afforded by ICT, students need to gain fluency
with these tools so that they can focus on the tasks at hand, rather
than the technology itself. Schools are free to establish programs that
suit their needs, while still providing students with the opportunities
to demonstrate the ICT standards. However, as students move into the
middle years (years 9 and 10), it is acceptable that they can specialise
in areas of interest to them, so schools could include in their
programs, more targeted ICT offerings such as robotics,
gaming/programming. This, of course, does not preclude the embedding of
the knowledge and skills from the ICT domain into other areas of
learning - this should still occur.


Where appropriate, I urge you to revisit
intro>  the introductory part of the ICT domain.







Paula Christophersen

ICT Curriculum Manager


41 St Andrews Place


(03) 9651 4378


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