[Technical] Scilab

Con Zymaris conz at cyber.com.au
Tue Oct 25 16:48:14 EST 2005


Scilab is a scientific software package for numerical computations 
providing a powerful open computing environment for engineering and 
scientific applications. Developed since 1990 by researchers from INRIA 
and ENPC, it is now maintained and developed by Scilab Consortium since 
its creation in May 2003.

A number of toolboxes are available with the system: 
2-D and 3-D graphics, animation
Linear algebra, sparse matrices
Polynomials and rational functions
Simulation: ODE solver and DAE solver 
Scicos: a hybrid dynamic systems modeler and simulator
Classic and robust control, LMI optimization
Differentiable and non-differentiable optimization
Signal processing
Metanet: graphs and networks
Parallel Scilab using PVM
Interface with Computer Algebra: Maple package for Scilab code generation, 
MuPAD 3.0 includes Scilab
Interface with Tcl/Tk
And a large number of contributions for various domains.

Scilab has been built using a number of external libraries. 

Scilab works on most Unix systems (including GNU/Linux) and Windows 
(9X/2000/XP). It comes with source code, on-line help and English user 
Binary versions are available.

Con Zymaris <conz at cyber.com.au> Level 4, 10 Queen St, Melbourne, Australia 
Cybersource: Australia's Leading Linux and Open Source Solutions Company 
Web: http://www.cyber.com.au/  Phone: 03 9621 2377   Fax: 03 9621 2477

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