[Year 12 SofDev] Holiday questions to ponder (or ignore)

Mark mark at vceit.com
Mon Jul 1 16:06:10 EST 2013

Hi all.  In a moment of reflection during exam writing, some fundamental
thoughts occurred to me...

1.  What is the purpose of section B of the SD exam?

- Could its content not be examined in section C just as easily?
- Section B seems to me to be the alcoholic uncle who is reluctantly
invited to Christmas lunch to fill an empty seat, or because he's
*always*been invited in the past, though no-one can remember why.

2. Why are most of the SD marks based on a single case study, whereas ITA
is not?  Just out of curiosity, I'd like to know how this tradition began.

3. Why is the IT Applications exam worth 90, and the SD exam worth 100?
It's not a biggy, but such inconsistencies nag at me.

Mark Kelly
mark AT vceit DOT com

*Day 19, I have successfully conditioned my master to smile and write in
his book every time I drool.- Pavlov's Dog*
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