[Year 12 SofDev] Overview of all year 12 IT (Apologies for the cross-post)

Travis Parker Travis.Parker at beaconhills.vic.edu.au
Tue Aug 2 09:37:17 EST 2011

Dear All,


It is that time again where students are selecting their subjects for
2012. I'm planning on spending 15 minutes or so "selling" ITA and SD to
my year 11 IT students and am wondering how others go about this. I was
thinking of creating a PowerPoint and linking it to student work from
previous year 12 classes, but I'm sure many of you have much better


As you all know, it is a battle to get numbers into IT and I'm hoping to
have both an ITA class and a SD class next year for the first time since
I've been at this school, so any ideas would be very welcome!







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