[Year 12 IT Apps] Wireframes & mockups ++

Colin SUTTON oz.sutton at gmail.com
Tue Dec 7 17:12:18 EST 2010

Hi all

Not sure if these have been mentioned on this list, but I found the *
Mockingbird* through www.go2web20.net - great resource - a year or so ago.
The site is still up. Its not free, but they have no contract monthly plans,
so a class could use it for the month of a project for US$40 (thanks heavens
for parity!).


the *Mockflow* IS free. I found it through www.freedownloadaday.com/ . This
has some great freebies. You can subscribe to get a weekly bag of goodies
into your mailbox. It has mainly Win, but usually there are MAC, Linux and
even browser "services".

*Mockflow: *

Whilst I'm on freebies - www.giveawayoftheday.com/. You HAVE to check it
everyday, but you can get email alerts and RSS. Quality VARIES, but I have
found a few gems. It currently "rolls" at 7pm, but after a few hours
downloaders rate the software, so you can get an idea of how GOOD it is. The
description gives a good idea of what it does. You HAVE to download AND
activate (usually using their validator) within the 24 bour give away
period. Sometimes you get a password.


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