[Year 12 IT Apps] U3-O1

DANIELA LUPONE luponed at columba.vic.edu.au
Mon Mar 2 13:05:59 EST 2009

Students  need to analyse the needs for the organisation in the case study and hopefully will then build these into the database. For example in the Home Health Case study provided by VITTA an organisational need is to provide an effective way to calculate the commission for employee because at the moment it is done by hand and this is time consuming and errors are made. The way you can do this in a database is obvious. Sometimes the needs may  not be so obvious but need to look for the links with the database. Paula has used the DOA thinking model. Get them to identify the decisions link these to the options and then to the specific actions. We do not need to do this visually until unit 4 but I try to get them thinking this way before then.

That's how I see it anyway.
Regards Daniela

Daniela Lupone
eLearning Facilitator
St Columba's College
Essendon 3040

Phone: 93319124
Email: luponed at columba.vic.edu.au

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From: Litsa Tzelepis [mailto:htzelepis at msj.melb.catholic.edu.au]
Sent: Monday, 2 March 2009 12:17 PM
To: Year 12 IT Applications Teachers' Mailing List
Subject: [Year 12 IT Apps] U3-O1

Good afternoon,

can someone please clarify a key skills dot point from the study design for U3-O1?

"analyse current information-processing practices in order to identify the nature of the problems, the
requirements of the information products in order to meet the identified decision-making needs,
and the constraints of the solution"

I am confused about the "decision making needs". Do we talk general running of the organsiation needs or specific database needs, such as forms, reports, etc. I am actually thinking that the latter goes into requirements of the information products.

You know when things make sense and then suddenly they don't - I'm having that moment.

Thank-you, Lista.

Litsa Tzelepis
Mount St. Joseph Girl's College
Y10 Team Leader & Technology Convenor
(P)8398 2000 | (F)9398 3498
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