[Year 12 IT Apps] [OT] 'Ruddy' Computers

Mark Kelly kel at mckinnonsc.vic.edu.au
Tue Jul 22 13:27:35 EST 2008

Hi all.  This is OT, but I just wanted to air this.  If the thread 
develops, we can move it to the OffTopic list.

I wanted to get people's ideas about the money we are being given to get 
us to a 1:2 computer/student ratio.

Yesterday I found we were entitled to apply for funding for 257 
computers, which is wonderful except for the fact that we have nowhere 
to put them.

I could perhaps use about 45 of them, but 257?  Not unless we also get 
funding for new buildings, cabling, tech support, software licences etc.

If we applied for the maximum amount of money we are entitled to, the 
only only option would be for use to stack the computers five-deep in 
shipping containers on the oval.

At $1000 per PC (assuming about $650 for the hardware the the rest for 
associated expenses) I can't see it working.  And we can't just use the 
money to replace existing computers - we have to add to the existing fleet.

It's starting to look like a white elephant: the gift you'd give to 
someone you really didn't like  :-)

Is anyone else in the same boat?


Mark Kelly
Manager - Information Systems
McKinnon Secondary College
McKinnon Rd McKinnon 3204, Victoria, Australia
Direct line / Voicemail: 8520 9085
School Phone +613 8520 9000
School Fax +613 95789253
kel AT mckinnonsc.vic.edu.au

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