[Year 12 IPM] Gantt Charts using OpenOffice.org 2.0 Calc

Rod Kendall rod.kendall at overnewton.vic.edu.au
Sun Oct 8 20:42:28 EST 2006

Hi Mark

Thanks for the information



Rod Kendall

Head of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
Overnewton Anglican Community College
2-30 Overnewton Rd
Keilor  VIC 3036
Direct Tel : 03 9334 0134
Mobile: 0418 138 601
Fax: 03 9336 1835


From: ipm-bounces at edulists.com.au on behalf of Mark Kelly
Sent: Sat 7/10/2006 12:17 PM
To: Year 12 Information Technology Processing and Management
Teachers'Mailing List
Subject: [Year 12 IPM] Gantt Charts using OpenOffice.org 2.0 Calc

Another Gantt chart option - using OpenOffice Org's spreadsheet...




Mark Kelly
Manager - Information Systems
McKinnon Secondary College
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Phone +613 95780844  Fax +613 95789253
webmaster:   http://www.mckinnonsc.vic.edu.au
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Overnewton Anglican Community College
A school for the whole family, celebrating 20 years of quality education in the North West of Melbourne.

EOWA Employer of Choice Winner of the 2005 EOWA Award for Leading Organisation for the Advancement of Women (Less than 500 employees) and VIEU Best Practice in Equal Opportunity in the Workplace Award - Independent Schools

Keilor Campus Taylors Lakes Campus
2-30 Overnewton Road 39 - 57 Robertsons Road
Keilor, Victoria, 3036 Taylors Lakes, Victoria, 3038
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Overnewton Anglican Community College
A school for the whole family celebrating 20 years of quality education in the North West of Melbourne.

Winner of the 2005 EOWA Employer of Choice for Women and VIEU Best Practice in Equal Opportunity in the Workplace Award – Independent Schools


Keilor Campus                                      Taylors Lakes Campus
2-30 Overnewton Road                               39 - 57 Robertsons Road
Keilor, Victoria, 3036                             Taylors Lakes, Victoria, 3038
Tel: 03 9334 0000                                  Tel: 03 9334 0000
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