[Year 12 IPM] OT Markbook comment banks for other subjects

McDonald, Debra A1 mcdonald.debra.a1 at edumail.vic.gov.au
Tue Jun 6 13:39:45 EST 2006

Hi Fiona, 
let me know if you don't have this and I will send you some today.  
Debra McDonald
Network Manager
Lyndhurst Secondary College
(03) 5996 0144


From: ipm-bounces at edulists.com.au on behalf of fiona at balmoralhs.vic.edu.au
Sent: Wed 31/05/06 3:09 PM
To: ipm at edulists.com.au
Subject: [Year 12 IPM] OT Markbook comment banks for other subjects


Sorry for posting on this list.  We have a brand new teacher - in her first semester. She teaches science 8 to 10, Unit 1 and 2 Biology and Chemistry.  I was wondering if any of you may have a helpful staff member who would be willing to share their markbook comment banks in these areas.  As we are such a small school, there tends to be more delineation between subjects and the comment banks we have already do not help very much.

Thanks very much in anticipation
Fiona Bain
btw I can reciprocate with year 7 French and yr 7 - 12 IT
fiona at balmoralhs.vic.edu.au
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