[Year 12 IPM] Technicians (Re: Audacity)

Royce Williams Royce.Williams at billanook.vic.edu.au
Mon Feb 27 08:55:30 EST 2006

I am very sorry that I missed a lot of this thread.

What particularly worries me is the arrogance of so called professional
IT teachers threatening technicians with firing etc if they don't follow
the educational and pedagogical directions you set.

The needs and stability of the network for ALL USERS is paramount it is
a technical call whether something you want (want not need by the way
there is no .. I repeat NO program that is critical to any students
general education ) compromises this.

In this case he may be well be wrong but threats are not what anyone
should do. Putting them in contact with their peers who can help is the
right thing to do.

I like Keith and Kevork am an old school teacher/IT admin much of my
time over many years has been taken up with repairing damage done by
well meaning technically incompetent teachers loading their personal
programs, breaking copyright and similar stupidity.
It is very disappointing to watch the rise in people who are trained to
teach IT who are not only don't fully understand the technology but
demean those who do. I blame the quality of Education degree courses
with IT as a Major.
I think all people who teach IT (in particular VCE level subjects.. In
particularly Info systems) should spend some time sitting on a Help Desk
for a term. It would be a lot of fun to watch.

Michael Walker you will be an excellent teacher very nice post, if the
number of students doing this subject weren't nose-diving (I wonder how
much of that is fashion, how much is curriculum and how much is
teaching) I would hire you instantly.


Royce Williams
Manager Information Technology 
Billanook College
197-199 Cardigan Rd
Mooroolbark 3138
Victoria Australia
Tel: 61-3-9725 5388; Fax: 61-3-9725 8556

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